Monday, October 13, 2008


My intentions for this blog are as follows:
1. I will post little things from my day, if I feel like it.
2. I will discuss ideas, thoughts, and random nonsense that pop into my head.
3. I will try to be correctgrammar-wise. No promises, because then I will have already failed you.
4. Funny things, you betcha*
5. Updates from my life, maybe? If anything interesting happens.
6. Can't think of anything else right now. This list is open to being amended, if ratified by a 2/3rds majority.
What do you** want from my blog?

*no bets
**everyone who reads this, so maybe .5 persons in the known universe, including me (yes I read my own blog)


  1. 1. you are the fattest

    2. you are the raddest

    3. that shit just fucking rhymed

  2. 1. Ethan is the fattest
    2. You and I are tied for raddest
    3. I love you!

  3. So, if I'm understanding you correctly, what both of yous guys want from this blog is fat things and rad things? I think I can provide both. Hopefully.

  4. That grammar thing always gets me, too.
    You be you. That's the beauty of blogs.
    Thanks for sending folks to mine!
    Good luck.
