Instead, Democrats packing the Oval at Colorado State University became violent and extremely angry when, upon hearing word that a second trailer for Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince had recently leaked on the Internet, volunteers and security personnel informed the "Potter" enthusiasts by loud speaker they could not leave the venue due to "security reasons".
After the announcement was made, the audience fired back at their captors, yelling such things as "terrorist" and "Voldemort is behind this, mark my words!"

Harold Haglethorpe was one such rabble-rouser. "I find it absolutely disrespectful and elitist of the Obama campaign to force a crowd to stay here when they know we'd much rather be at home, in the comfort of our living rooms catching a much needed glimpse at our favorite boy wizard's next adventures. Before today, I thought Voldemort was firmly on the Republicans' side, but after this, I can no longer say that with confidence."
Other attendees were similarly enraged at the Obama campaign.
Lifelong Democrat Carole Machala started a petition which aimed to "let the public know of the obvious conspiracy taking place between the WB and the DNC". "First they move our precious movie back nine whole months, and now this? I can't even begin to imagine what they have in store for us..."
Several others took a more active approach and were seen running through the crowd of about 45,000 people trying to hex security officers and police.
Democratic hopeful Betsy Markey attempted to take the stage but was drowned out by boos and a torrent of Obama buttons tossed at her by audience members. No others attempted addressing the crowd after Markey as supporters tore down the podium in anger shortly after Markey was escorted off by security.
The Obama campaign was unavailable for comment, though at the time a field organizer was heard saying "This is it, it's all over folks. The dream is [expletive] lost. [Expletive]."
Political advisers on both sides say this could be the momentum breaker McCain needed in the days leading up to the election. Polls across the nation are already showing significant dents in the Obama lead.
As of this writing, the angry crowd had broken out of the Oval and started making its way across America, picking up members as it went. There is yet no word on whether any of the supporters have seen the trailer yet. In the words of one onlooker, "God help us if they do."
New International trailer for Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince.
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