Lost, you guys! I love each episode more than the one that preceded it. (Or something like that.) I would post all sorts of half thought out theories about how Jack and Lapidus are totally going to get it on because of all the Biblical parallels, but I have a much more important point to address: I love Ben. Love him so much. Each episode just confirms this, no matter what he does. Strangle Locke? I love you! Try to murder Penny (probably)? I love you even more! No matter what terrible, murderous, mercurial, Keamy-stabbing, father-killing, lying-just-for-the-sake-of-lying, thing Ben does, I'm with him 100%. In fact, the more arguably evil Benjamin Linus is, the more I love him. Because I know that underneath the horrible, slimy, conniving exterior is, well, pretty much the same thing.

“How can you be reading?” “My mother taught me.”