Lost, you guys! I love each episode more than the one that preceded it. (Or something like that.) I would post all sorts of half thought out theories about how Jack and Lapidus are totally going to get it on because of all the Biblical parallels, but I have a much more important point to address: I love Ben. Love him so much. Each episode just confirms this, no matter what he does. Strangle Locke? I love you! Try to murder Penny (probably)? I love you even more! No matter what terrible, murderous, mercurial, Keamy-stabbing, father-killing, lying-just-for-the-sake-of-lying, thing Ben does, I'm with him 100%. In fact, the more arguably evil Benjamin Linus is, the more I love him. Because I know that underneath the horrible, slimy, conniving exterior is, well, pretty much the same thing.

“How can you be reading?” “My mother taught me.”
you are gross. get out.
ReplyDeleteSara... OK, seriously. Ben is the best. You're the gross one.